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At least once a month, I meet with a couple of Heads of Marketing from other companies. We exchange our experiences, discuss interesting tools and the...
No pun here today :/ · Hover isn't the only state supported by Tailwind CSS. Thanks to Tailwind we can use directly in our HTML any state available in...
Something to hover over · The thing where Tailwind CSS really shines is applying different CSS states, like hover, to our UI elements. The hover state in...
And their shady ways... · In this lesson we will take some time to learn the theory behind the shadows. As in Material Design, shadows play a big role in...
Colors (and how we should use them) · Colors in Tailwind CSS are defined as classes that you can apply directly to your HTML elements. In this lesson,...
Iconic logos and logos of icons · Now that we know how to work with icons in Tailwind, it's time to update the Navbar in our project. This is how it...