MDB React Version 7.1.0, released 08.01.2024
New component:
MDBClientOnly - Dedicated for environments using server side rendering, like Next.js. Used to evaluate component's code only on the client side and prevent SSR related errors.
Added new events: onOpened, onClosed
Added animationVariants
Added searchFn to allow custom filtering
Added forwardRef to the input
Dropdown - Added wrapper prop
Checkbox - Added forwardRef to the input
DateTimepicker - Added forwardRef to the input
Datepicker - Added forwardRef to the input
Timepicker - Added forwardRef to the input
File - Added forwardRef to the input
Improved & fixed:
Disabled clear button when the disable prop is set
Fixed keyboard accessibility for Select with Search - reseting active option when the filter query changes.
Dropdown - Changed tabindex of all items to 0
Fixed bug causing page scroll when inline timepicker opens
Fixed keyboard accessibility
Fixed active class toggling for am/pm toggler
Datepicker - fixed selectOnClick to close picker after selecting date
Buttons - fixed styles for floating buttons with a tag
Table editor - fixed pagination styles to be responsive
Fixed --mdb-link-decoration CSS variable
Removed unexpected height change animation on window resize
Fixed icons styles
Stepper - fixed height calculating in vertical mode
Full Changelog here